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Our world is a narrative world!

Our world is a narrative world!

WAALD develops strategic narratives for the economics, politics and culture sectors.

Whether CEO, president or director, WAALD supports the strategic agenda of top decision-makers:

  • How do we achieve solid growth?
  • How do we develop effective, meaningful brand strategies?
  • How do we improve the readiness of influencers to make recommendations?
  • How do we defend cultural authority in a competitive environment?
  • How do we drive digital change and prepare organisations for the future?
  • How do we attract and retain the best talent?
  • How do we mobilise stakeholders and shareholders?
  • How do we develop successful management instruments?
Hospitality & Tourism818 1280

WAALD cases

Hospitality & Tourism

You are what you consume. People are increasingly defining themselves through the items and services they use. In addition to good products, innovative companies also offer them cultural identification.


Public & Social Sector808 1200

WAALD cases

Public & Social Sector

Associations, foundations, think tanks, parties and lobbyists all want to reach people – but the ones that are heard are the ones meaningfully embedded in people’s everyday lives.


Private Equity & Impact Investing808 1200

WAALD cases

Private Equity & Impact Investing

Investors want more than bare facts and figures. How do founders relate their idea so that it promises not only growth but also gives a ‘why’? By using strategic narratives that convey an idea’s relevance and meaning.


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WAALD cases

Technology & Urban Mobility

Will humans soon be replaced by machines? Are we subjecting ourselves to artificial intelligence? Dark dystopias are fomenting fear of technical innovations. What’s being forgotten is that technologies are there for humans and enter into a productive relationship with us.


In a world of stories, we need strategic narratives for mobilisation and real change.

Frank Otto Dietrich, Managing Partner

WAALD clients

It is stories and not numbers, data or facts that drive our world. Narratives determine success or failure – whether of a start-up or an entire economy.

Ralf Schmidt-Bleeker, Managing Partner